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Xest logoCreate fast Nodejs APIs in seconds with Xest

Get up and running in 3 steps 🚀

npm i xest -g
xx my-xest-api
cd my-xest-api && xx run
Easy to Use

Easy to Use

Xest framework is designed from the ground up to be easily installed and to build your REST API quickly.

CLI Tool

CLI Tool

Modern CLI tool helps you to generate SQL queries, API endpoints, database migrations, and seed data.

Built in authentication

Built in authentication

Xest comes with built-in JWT authentication, and role based authentication access control.

Convenient local development

Convenient local development

Xest manages a local Docker development environment with a MySQL container and an Express API.

Zero Config

Zero Config

Xest comes with pre-configured development, test, and deployment pipelines so that you can focus on your application logic.

Built for Cloud

Built for Cloud

Xest is packed with an email framework, a scheduling system, serverless integration, and many other features a modern application needs.