Generating a Seed
One of the advantages of using XEST framework is that you can generate your seed data from your command line with;
$ xx new
This will ask the user several questions like a survey user is able to answer 1 question every time to form their query.
❓ What would you like to generate? (Use arrow keys)
▶️ query
▶️ migrations
▶️ seed
You can choose which one you would like to generate with arrows, in this case seed
, which will ask the following question;
❓ Select a table
▶️ migrations
▶️ users
▶️ user_types
Choosing the table lets your seed-data to be entered in the selected table.
In the XEST framework there is an option to link two tables, which you can do from your command line after choosing your first table XEST framework asks you;
❓ Would you like to seed another table? (Y/N)
If you want to seed another table you can type Y and press enter, if not type N and press enter.
If Y, it asks you which table you would like to select, apart from the one selected before.
Then asking
❓ How many seed records do you want to create?(1)
This will generate optional seed generators for each column. It will migrate a dummy seed data within your database, which you can test from your MYSQL Workbench or BeeKeeper Studio.
Once happy copy and paste it to the database/seed-data.sql